Common Foot Problems For Swimmers
Tendonitis- An inflammation or irritation of a tendon commonly caused by stress or repetition and over use. It can also be the result of a prior injury. Stretching before and after workouts can help prevent most cases of tendonitis in swimmers.
Cramps- Like most cramps, foot cramps are commonly brought on by dehydration or fatigue. Or a combination of both those things. You can help avoid in water foot cramps by bringing water to practice and staying hydrated. And stretch- before and after practice. If Cramps typically happen at the end of your workout- listen to your body and just be done. The better shape you are in the less cramps from fatigue will continue to happen.
Swimmer's Heel- A mild heel sprain which can happen slipping off the block or on the deck. It can also be the result of poor technique during flip turns.. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevate. If pain persist see your doctor.
How To Maintain Healthy Swimmer Feet?
Stretch before entering the water.
Wear shoes on the deck and in locker rooms to reduce the risk of injury and contacting fungi
Wash and dry feet thoroughly after practice
Apply talcum powder or medicinal spray to previously infected areas to prevent recurrence
Change and wash socks often
Try not to wear the same shoes everyday
Plantars Warts and Swimmers
Public Pools and locker rooms are a breading ground for foot fungi and bacteria . Verrucas or plantar warts are a common result and issue for swimmers. According to the Mayo Clinic, most plantar warts are caused by HPV. This virus enters through tiny cuts or breaks on the bottom of the feet. And while most plantar warts aren't a serious health concern and often go away without treatment, especially in children under 12. Some can be. You should seek professional help if...
The growth bleeds, becomes painful or changes in shape or color
You've tried treating the wart, but it persists
Your pain interferes with your activities
You also have diabetes or poor feeling in your feet If you already have immune issues.
You aren't sure if the growth is a wart